九州大学 エネルギー研究教育機構


Urban Energy Module

Research outline

In order to realize a carbon-neutral society by 2050, the government is aiming to make variable renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic panel and wind power generation the main source of electricity. To achieve this goal, it will be necessary to increase the electrification ratio on the building side, adjust electricity supply and demand through storage batteries (including EV batteries) and demand response, and utilize hydrogen. In order to study how much of these devices and systems should be installed in a city, it is essential to have an urban energy simulator that can not only calculate the total annual amount, but also analyze energy supply and demand fluctuations by the minute. In this module, we will construct an urban energy supply-demand simulator based on GIS data as a platform that can examine future urban energy systems, and propose what the future urban energy system should be like. The simulator to be developed can evaluate the impact of the introduction of various energy element technologies into a city, and will contribute to the formulation of urban energy policies.

Concept of the research

Reseacrh originality

This research is unique and different from previous studies in that it can analyze the energy demand of individual buildings, areas, and even the city level, including energy peaks, with calculations at five-minute intervals. Another novel aspect is the incorporation of transportation energy into urban energy calculations in anticipation of the future connection of electric vehicles to the grid.

Module members

Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

Overall supervision, simulator development

Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

Urban Model Study Group

Associate professor
Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

Urban Model Study Group

Assistant professor
Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

Urban Model Study Group

Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

Architectural Future Vision Study Group

Associate professor
Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

Architectural Future Vision Study Group

Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

Urban Resilience Study Group

Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

Urban Resilience Study Group

Associate professor
Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

Urban Resilience Study Group

Expected results and outcomes of the collaboration

Fukuoka City government has declared that it will reach carbon neutrality by 2040. In our ongoing research, we are performing calculations for Fukuoka City and hope to demonstrate the feasibility of this goal in line with the city’s declaration. If possible, we would like to collaborate with the Fukuoka City government to study the urban energy policy of Fukuoka City as a prototype to demonstrate the usefulness of this simulator, thereby serving as a foothold for the widespread social implementation of the results of this research.

In addition, we are also conducting a study in Oki Island Town, Shimane Prefecture, and can propose how energy systems should be in areas with declining populations. We intend to appeal to the importance of urban energy planning to society by publicizing the study’s results.

Research results

(coming soon)

Representative research papers and achievements

1. Kentaro Takahashi, Takahiro Ueno, Daisuke Sumiyoshi
Estimation of time series urban energy demand and Examination of optimal energy supply system
Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2019 in Tokyo (SBE 19 Tokyo), 2A-3, 2019

2. Takahiro Ueno, Kentaro Takahashi, Daisuke Sumiyoshi
A Simulation Approach For The Optimization Of Distributed Energy Supply Systems Based On Energy Demands In Business Area
Building Simulation 2019 Rome, ID:210603, 2019

3. Takahiro Ueno, Choi Youngjin, Kentaro Takahashi, Daisuke Sumiyoshi
A Simulation Approach For The Optimization Of Urban Energy Supply Systems
International Conference of Asia Institute of Urban Environment, pp.177-182, 2019

4. 上野貴広,崔榮晋,髙橋賢太朗,住吉大輔

5. 上野貴広,崔榮晋,小野秀光,住吉大輔
商業・業務街区におけるコージェネレーションシステムを用いた地域熱電併給システムの導入効果の推定 複数のエネルギー指標に基づく性能評価
