脱炭素エネルギー先導人材育成フェローシップ 2022年度

wolleリキト君の研究テーマである燃料電池は、確かに脱炭素社会実現に向けて不可欠な技術ではありますが、燃料電池ですべてが解決できるわけではないということを理解した上で、博士研究を進めていってほしいと思います。脱炭素フェローシッププログラムに参加したことで出会った異分野の学生とともに、脱炭素社会に向けてどんなことが必要なのかを、多方面から考える機会にしてほしいです。専攻内で得られる燃料電池に関する専門的な知識以外に、脱炭素エネルギーに関する俯瞰力を身に付けて、社会に旅立ってくれることを願います。Q-Energy Innovator Fellowship9工学府水素エネルギーシステム専攻博士後期課程3年エネルギー研究教育機構 教授The hydrogen-based polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEMFCs) are becoming very popular because of their high power density, high efficiency and zero emissions, especially in automotive appli-cations. A recently published McKinsey study called “Road map to a US hydrogen economy”, 2020, projects hydrogen to account for 14% of the total energy demand in the U.S by 2050. Japan’s METI also put out a hydrogen road map that aims for cost reduc-tion of fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) down to that of hybrid vehicles by 2025. In addition, a lot of attention and funding was brought to hydrogen based companies globally following American Presi-dent Biden’s pledge towards green energy and decarbonization. In such a politically and economically favorable climate, we must quickly address the unresolved technological problems such as the low durability and high cost of PEMFCs in order to remain competitive in the future automotive market.Concerning durability, the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) ultimate target is 8000h whereas Toyota Mirai, the standard state-of-the-art fuel cell vehicle, showed degradation issues and notable loss of performance just after 3000h. This is still not ac-counting for the various degradation mechanisms arising from extreme operating conditions and transient start/stop conditions. Furthermore, the cost of Mirai’s fuel cell stack was estimated to be $233/kw (at 1000 systems per year), which is almost 8 times higher than the DOE target. The use of expensive Platinum in the catalyst layer is one of the major reasons for this high cost. There-fore, much work is left to be done in both improving durability and reducing cost before expecting widespread FCV adoption.A variety of durability issues can arise on both the anode and cathode side due to fuel starvation. Fuel starvation can be caused by hydrogen supply malfunction, transient and cold start condi-tions, and from operating conditions such as high humidity and low temperature, depending on the country and the climate. Therefore, it is especially important to address the various failures arising from these operating conditions since they are frequently encountered in places like Japan, North America and Europe, which are also most likely to first adopt FCVs.指導教員からメッセージMet Koichi Wakata san, a superstar astronaut from Kyushu University, while on a tour at JAXA.林 灯Improving fuel cell technologies to accelerate towards a decarbonized societyAddressing fuel starvation based degradation in polymer electrolyte fuel cellsLikhith Manjunatha04f

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